… for your support with a donation!
As a non-profit aid organization, we can reach our goals only though big, personal engagements and through financial support from people with a compassionate heart. If you want to support us in our charitable activities through a donation, you will find the needed bank details further down.
In order for us to confirm your donation, we must have your current mailing.
If you want to participate in our aid organization in a longer term, and you want to become a sponsor, you will find information about sponsorship here.
Donation receipt
Donations from SRF/EURO 1`000.- and/or from organizations (for examples companies, societies, institutions) are confirmed as soon as possible, donations under SRF/EURO 1`000.- are confirmed only after the closing of the accounting year in view of your tax declaration. Through this, we want to keep the administrative expenses as low as possible by not confirming the donations twice.
We thank you for your understanding and support from which our children receive 100% of the donations due to the lean administration and unsalaried engagements of every board member in Switzerland and Germany.
For deposits in Switzerland
IBAN: CH-84-0079-0042-4190-1489-2
Download: Payment slip with QR code
Recipient Island Kids Philippines, Susegg, Waldeggstr. 175, 3803 Beatenberg
For deposits in Germany
Island Kids Philippines Deutschland e.V.
IBAN: DE55-1605-0000-1000-9063-84
For deposits in the Philippines
Philippine Island Kids Int’l. Foundation, Inc.
Account Number: 410170001079
Swift Code: PNBMPHMM
Philippine National Bank, CDO-Corrales-Chavez, Corrales Ave. cor. T. Chavez St. Cagayan de Oro City 9000
Note: Please send an e-mail with your full name and the amount you deposited to info@islandkids.ch